Sunday, August 28, 2016

Look, Ma! No Training Wheels!

A couple weeks ago, we took the training wheels off of Alice's bike.  She took off so fast, she didn't even need anyone to run behind her and help.
There she goes! (And check out the giant lilies on the right.  Louis' friend Claire said that they made the garden "smell so good, like a candle. A really nice one".)

There's no stopping her now!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Grandma Olga's Summer Visit

This summer Hector's Grandma came for a visit and stayed with his sister.  While she was here we all came over for a family barbeque.  Here is Olga and some of her great-grandkids, with one notable exception...
 Alice did not want to get in the picture.
It took a little convincing, but then she was all smiles.
Here is the proud Grandma with her grandkids and great-grandkids.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Dancin' in the Rain

Alice's ballet class did their spring performance earlier this year.  My mom and dad were so happy that they were able to fly up and see her this time.

The dance troop put on The Mini (Little) Mermaid.  Alice's class were the storm dancers.  They danced to Singin' in the Rain in their super cute yellow rain coats.

There's Alice, right in the middle

She was the best dancer in her group, mostly because she actually danced while she was on stage.

Grandpa even got in on the action later that evening.