Tuesday, December 22, 2015

St. Luke's Christmas Pageant

Last Sunday was the St. Luke's children's Christmas Pageant.  Louis and Alice revisited their roles as a shepherd and an angel, respectively.

Alice found one of the extra Baby Jesuses. 

The angel chorus.
Alice singing to Louis.

It was a very cute pageant again this year.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas Tree 2015

Here are some pictures from our trip to the Christmas tree farm this year.  It rained so much this December that we were beginning to wonder if we would ever get the chance to go get out tree.  Luckily there was a break in the weather, and we rushed out to the tree farm.

 Alice loved all the "baby" trees.
 She would pet almost everyone that she found.
 This looks like a good one.
 Hector started cutting the tree.
 Katherine pitched in.
 Alice supervised.

 The unfurling.
Unpacking the ornaments. The kids helped decorate a lot this year.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We had a small gathering for Thanksgiving this year, Hector's sister and niece came over and I cooked us all a petite turkey dinner.
Check out that bird.
This was our first attempt at a family picture.
And our second.  Louis really wanted to get those bunny ears on his sister.
Hector (and his beard) carving the turkey.
Cheers everybody!

After dinner we played some rousing games of Racko.