Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014

Here are some picture from the snow storm we had earlier this month.  We got 9(!) inches of snow in two days, which is a lot for Vancouver.  We all really enjoyed our winter wonderland weekend.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February Cookie Making

During the Snowpocalypse we had last weekend (pics of that coming soon) we took advantage of some indoor time to make cookies in honor of two upcoming events: Valentine's Day and the Winter Olympics.
Yes, we cheated and bought the pre-made dough.
Louis and Alice wore their Team USA shirts.
Everyone worked really hard on the decorating.

Our Olympic cookies (clockwise from left): the rings, USA, and the torch.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII

As you can imagine, we were very excited for the Super Bowl this year.  Louis hung up the decoration.
 We went all out this year.
 Go Hawks!
 Hector made a not-quite seven layer dip.
 I made clam chowder and bread bowls.
 Hector's family all came over to watch.

We had a lot of fun, especially since the Seahawks won (43-8!).

Monday, February 3, 2014

Cody and Brooke Come to Vancouver

Louis and Alice's cousins, Cody and Brooke, came out to Vancouver on New Years.  It was super fun to have everyone together.  Before Cody left to go back to college, we took some family pictures. 
 The cousins,
the girls,
and the boys.