Thursday, August 27, 2009

Drive to Work

One nice thing about working up here in Oregon and Washington is the landscapes. I took these photos today on my way work.

The Columbia River

Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks, OR

Columbia River just below the bridge seen above.

Mount Hood, or as the locals call it, The Mountain

Bonneville Dam. I'd like to visit when we have more time.

A view of the Columbia River Gorge from the Washington side.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pony Ride at the Fair

Louis had his first pony ride at the county fair this past weekend. His pony's name was Dolly. He was a little nervous at first and he had to hold his mother's hand the first few times around, but towards the end he really enjoyed the ride.

We went to the county fair...

...the Birds and the Beasts were there. Last weekend we went to the Clark County Fair in Ridgefield, Washington. We had a good time. Louis loved all the animals except the cows. For some reason he was so scared of the cows. Who knew?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Carter Park Cont...

More pictures from Carter Park.

Sunday in Carter Park

Carter Park in a great neighboorhood park that is only 3 houses down from our house.

Lou and Max

As you can see, Max is getting pretty big. So big, in fact, that he has given up trying to run away for Louis. Louis loves that he can pet Max. Max, on the other hand, does not care too much for this new situation. Our other cat Gus is still trim and runs fast.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hot Week, Cool Haircut

What a week. We just had 3 days of 100 degree weather. On Wednesday Vancouver broke its record for hottest day with 108 degrees. So we had to cut Louis' hair. But as you can see, it didn't bother him a bit. He loves his skateboard so you know it's just a matter of time until the long hair comes back. :)